Check it Out: Interface Edition

We always talk about the interface, but still find ourselves holding a controller to interact with out games. Gamers are comfortable holding one, but when I put it in my wife's hand it is like a small, stinky, herpetic, alien creature just sprung from her forehead and landed in her hands. So today, I am serving the dual purpose of falling prey to my own sloth and not writing a lot, and sharing some very, very, very cool interface work.

The first is from techno artist, programmer, genius, Golan Levin:

These two videos use voice in more interesting ways than we do in games. Kind of a reverse Patapon:

This one asks the question "What happens when the art looks at you?"

This one is the Digital Wheel Art Project , which melded homebrew inventor Johnny Lee's Wiimote hack and MIT's Todd Machover's creativity tools to enable people without use of their limbs to paint:

Here is the project:

Digital Wheel Art from YoungHyun Chung on Vimeo

Here is Johnny Lee and his Wiimote hack:

Here's Tod Machover's work, it's longer, but worth a view:

Finally, the work of Jonathon Harris. There is a lot of stuff on his page for you to check out, but I especially liked this one. He took pictures at a fixed interval throughout a whale hunt. The interface he designed allows the pictures to be sorted in an accessible way, but more significantly, the interface actually tells the narrative. I promise those words did not do it justice. Click here and dive in to the Whale Hunt. It will rock your world. I also recommend We feel fine.


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