Acceptance or Sign of the Apocalypse? Oxymoron Edition

BW Arcade from Matt Vella on Vimeo.

Can you pick the newest oxymoron from this list, jumbo shrimp, alone together, same difference, act naturally, Businessweek Arcade? (For those playing along at home, it is "Business Week Arcade"). Businessweek just launched an arcade section at the website.

It is exciting to see the kind of validation of games I would expect in Wired show up in another publication. As if a new audience was not enough, the site is bringing independently created casual games to a mainstream market. These are likely the only games many Businessweek online readers will see and they are much better introduction than placing a controller in the hand and asking them to play through a Madden tutorial. It is also a much needed opportunity for independent developers to showcase their work. The opportunity for viral growth of these pick up and play, addictive games is great.

It is definitely worth a look.  Click the link, give it a try, and then send your mom.  


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